wassup ya'll. heh semenjak duamenjak tigamenjak berkecimpung dlm ...haihh ape tiru nabil nii! haha semenjak duamenjak ni,kehidupanku teramatlah tiada keistimewaan. haha bm aku A nokk. haha! rutin harian tidomakanonlineberak pastu makan balik.haha! sumpah xde keje doe. badminton pn ntah mane menghilang,2mnggu dah x main nii. ini berkaitan dgn title di atas. heh peluh lame x kua dah nii,rase berat je bdn full wit water.haha mymum said dah tau air byk pegila kencing..haih mama! abeh tue xkan allthetime nak kencing jee? adoyai..-_-
aku tidak menyangka tindakan aku quitting job without notice gives me hell lot of moneyy. smlm akak parkson tue call aku ckp "gaji anda sudah keluar,bilakah anda mahu mengambilnya?" aku reply "ni keje mane satu tetibe dpt gaji nih?" "gigolo part time kat klang tu ke?" haha! act aku tau tu parkson tp saje nk meloyaburuk ngn akaknyee..
heh. so dgn tak buat kejenye aku dpt rm201.05. okayla tue kan,karoke brape kali bleh lpas tue.haha
da ade duet memcmla plan dlm kepale aku nih. cume tggu mase utk menyelesaikannya.heh
wokeyh bebeh,crita ni agak tak best but atleast ive updated myblog :]
Friday, February 27, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

within 2hours from now its the battle of the musuh tradisi. its the Red Devils vs Inter Milan. yeah cmon Inter! beat that MU! they are nothing! (jgn kalah suda,malu gilaa aku nnt)haha!
i am now currently addicted to video games. hah! tak makan aku kalo dah start main. mampus jd zombie aku nnt. haha! okay! thats all for now, peace :]
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
the blog starts with BABI! wanna knw why? i dun knw what the hell with the test. i mean that fuckin computerized test tue la. earlier today i went to dat driving school la since smlm tak jadi pegi kan. i took the trial test. for the 1st test,i FAIL. dpt 41 je! wtf lagi 1 je nak betol pn tak dpt.damn!
takpee iman ku masih berdiri haha! then i test it for the second time..from the 1st ques untillll that freakin 50 ques..FAIL lagi! babibabibabi! the most prob that i really grrr is the score! its 41 again! argh geramm aku dahh ni nokk! (ijam tiru kejap haha) hah then i brenti kejap thinkin wth yg aku salah nii? after a while i continue with hope that i'll pass with 42 corrects! dimulakan dgn bismillah,haha bace pon takk. im doin it all over again. after 20 minutes im finished. dupdapdupdap waiting for the results keluar 40. fuck aku dah menyampah dahh. later ade kakak tue tanye 'pakwe,pass ke tak?' then i answered 'haihh mestilaa' haha malu nk ckp 3kali fail! hee..
dah pukul 5 and the test ruined my mood,i took my butt away from that driving school. panas jugak krusi aku duduk td.haha onmyway to the bus im thinkin wth ive done wrong? evrything seems so perfect when i took the test. then my heart whispered at me 'yang kau pegi makan before amek test tue nape buduhh'
hah! i think thats the reason why i fail the test kot? act sblum masuk driving school tue pegi makan dulu! bapak lapar tak leh tahan! haha alsan je la tue nashh,dah fail tu,fail jelaa. haha yeahyeah you're rite. i fail haha. dalam kebenganganku itu aku berjalan ke bustand.hah nak hujan pulakk! fyi bus ke kapar fuckin expensive lahh! babibabi itu telah menambah kebenganganku.haha
kat mane eh td? [after few minutes] hah nak hujan tadi kan? quick as theflash i text mymum askin can her pick me up at kp? [stands for klang parade] malas nak naik bus kapar. dahla mhl plus crowded pulak! mampos pening aku dlm tu dgn bangla melambak.haha bulu ketiak mereka subur semuanyaa..:P drrtdrrt the phone vibrates near nash's egg haha! mymum said 'suree'. yeah i love u mom! so i naik la bus meru yang murah lagi tiada orang tu ke kp. hah sejukk je bus tue.haha melayan lagu avenged sevenfold tak sedar dah smpai. trun trus nmpak mymum. so balikkkk.
kejaplg si cina partner training badminton call. he said 'hari ini mahu main tak?'
so i said oklah kan kalo ckup orang. then die cakap'cukupp' haha cine nih nak main mesti call aku. act malas nak main,penat+bengang la! haha xpe excercise! haha.
at 6.30pm he picked me up. sampai badminton hall tue mmglah ramai. but our group 3peeps jee. wtf! i ask dat cina mane lagi? then he said belum sampai kot so i was like okayy. we'll see. while waiting for the uncoming partner,we played with a guy beside our court and he's gooood. but sorry! we win the game wit 2sets to 1..:] dah pukul 8 aku bermonolog cibai punye cina tak datang hah xpelah dah keluar peluh cukup. went back early cz xckup org kan.
sampai rumah tringat dat i fail the test. hah this cant be happen,i have to study! [haha mcm budak sekolah dah] study la dat roadlaw book sambil texting dgn tut! and tut! and tut! haha. after an hour i was like damn! mengantok betol! haha quickly i closed the book and onlining.
haha dah online tu biasela berblogging,bermyspacin dan bermcm2 BER lagi..haha!
dah tu je crita for todayy. agak panjang lah kan? haha enjoyy
takpee iman ku masih berdiri haha! then i test it for the second time..from the 1st ques untillll that freakin 50 ques..FAIL lagi! babibabibabi! the most prob that i really grrr is the score! its 41 again! argh geramm aku dahh ni nokk! (ijam tiru kejap haha) hah then i brenti kejap thinkin wth yg aku salah nii? after a while i continue with hope that i'll pass with 42 corrects! dimulakan dgn bismillah,haha bace pon takk. im doin it all over again. after 20 minutes im finished. dupdapdupdap waiting for the results keluar 40. fuck aku dah menyampah dahh. later ade kakak tue tanye 'pakwe,pass ke tak?' then i answered 'haihh mestilaa' haha malu nk ckp 3kali fail! hee..
dah pukul 5 and the test ruined my mood,i took my butt away from that driving school. panas jugak krusi aku duduk td.haha onmyway to the bus im thinkin wth ive done wrong? evrything seems so perfect when i took the test. then my heart whispered at me 'yang kau pegi makan before amek test tue nape buduhh'
hah! i think thats the reason why i fail the test kot? act sblum masuk driving school tue pegi makan dulu! bapak lapar tak leh tahan! haha alsan je la tue nashh,dah fail tu,fail jelaa. haha yeahyeah you're rite. i fail haha. dalam kebenganganku itu aku berjalan ke bustand.hah nak hujan pulakk! fyi bus ke kapar fuckin expensive lahh! babibabi itu telah menambah kebenganganku.haha
kat mane eh td? [after few minutes] hah nak hujan tadi kan? quick as theflash i text mymum askin can her pick me up at kp? [stands for klang parade] malas nak naik bus kapar. dahla mhl plus crowded pulak! mampos pening aku dlm tu dgn bangla melambak.haha bulu ketiak mereka subur semuanyaa..:P drrtdrrt the phone vibrates near nash's egg haha! mymum said 'suree'. yeah i love u mom! so i naik la bus meru yang murah lagi tiada orang tu ke kp. hah sejukk je bus tue.haha melayan lagu avenged sevenfold tak sedar dah smpai. trun trus nmpak mymum. so balikkkk.
kejaplg si cina partner training badminton call. he said 'hari ini mahu main tak?'
so i said oklah kan kalo ckup orang. then die cakap'cukupp' haha cine nih nak main mesti call aku. act malas nak main,penat+bengang la! haha xpe excercise! haha.
at 6.30pm he picked me up. sampai badminton hall tue mmglah ramai. but our group 3peeps jee. wtf! i ask dat cina mane lagi? then he said belum sampai kot so i was like okayy. we'll see. while waiting for the uncoming partner,we played with a guy beside our court and he's gooood. but sorry! we win the game wit 2sets to 1..:] dah pukul 8 aku bermonolog cibai punye cina tak datang hah xpelah dah keluar peluh cukup. went back early cz xckup org kan.
sampai rumah tringat dat i fail the test. hah this cant be happen,i have to study! [haha mcm budak sekolah dah] study la dat roadlaw book sambil texting dgn tut! and tut! and tut! haha. after an hour i was like damn! mengantok betol! haha quickly i closed the book and onlining.
haha dah online tu biasela berblogging,bermyspacin dan bermcm2 BER lagi..haha!
dah tu je crita for todayy. agak panjang lah kan? haha enjoyy
Monday, February 16, 2009
words from da title keeps botherin me todayy. mase makan igt,tido igt haihh. pelik n whats the meaning? haihh..
okayy now lets jump to the bestest part of the day..........hmmm...........ok nuttin...can we continue? (tiru nisa)
hahah sory nisa! xde idea nihh! haha..
today is monday and i planned to take computerized test for my license. text afiq ajk die g minum jap. siap ckp i blanje lg! haha ayat..(act nk suruh die anta g driving class tue) haha. then die reply ckp ptg die dtg fetch me up. so i dgn gumbira tggu la kan. waitiiiiiinnnnnnngggggg until 5pm he still doesnt show up. then i text la die JADI KE TAK? then die dgn bersahaja reply TAK JADILAHH,AKU ADA HAL' babi afiq bkn nk bgtau awl. penat aku tggu! #!$@%@$@#!!! haha nasib baik ko blanja aku aritu kalo tak aku sunat ko for the 3rd time. haha.
so takjadi lah ke sana. then aku dgn agak bengang pegi lah makan(act plan nk makan dgn afiq la td) cess. haha lepas makan xtau nape la ngantok sgt so aku tanpa berfikir panjang pegi tido. aliph ckp expanding perut lah tue. heh kau mmg terbaik aliph!
bgn2 pukul 8.hah sah aku tdo lmbat mlm ni. haha bila tak tido tu chatting la kan,myspacin,cari ilham for my blog. haha.
senarai peeps dat ive chattin wit:
1) ANA
and the terrorest chatter from all above is ALIPH. wanna know wats da content of our conversation?
NASHRUL: kau dah balik KL?
ALIPH: belum
yahh! tu la isi kandungan chitchatin kami. haha! best tak? wahaa aliph agak busy kot mase tu so xmau la kaco diee. hee (aliph! promote aku plak kat blog ko! haha jkjk)
chatter terpanjang is nana! haha sumpah mmg panjang ktorg chattin. ntah apa ktorg mencarut pn xtaula. tapi si nana agak blur mase tu so i have to be a detailed chatter. haha i ckp movie HOUSE boleh die ckp HA? APE TUE? haha kepelikan yg melampau. hehh
dahh dats all for todayy kot. penat jari ni haa. aku buat especially for u guys to read tau! hee
currently listening to: fantasy girl-caprice
okayy now lets jump to the bestest part of the day..........hmmm...........ok nuttin...can we continue? (tiru nisa)
hahah sory nisa! xde idea nihh! haha..
today is monday and i planned to take computerized test for my license. text afiq ajk die g minum jap. siap ckp i blanje lg! haha ayat..(act nk suruh die anta g driving class tue) haha. then die reply ckp ptg die dtg fetch me up. so i dgn gumbira tggu la kan. waitiiiiiinnnnnnngggggg until 5pm he still doesnt show up. then i text la die JADI KE TAK? then die dgn bersahaja reply TAK JADILAHH,AKU ADA HAL' babi afiq bkn nk bgtau awl. penat aku tggu! #!$@%@$@#!!! haha nasib baik ko blanja aku aritu kalo tak aku sunat ko for the 3rd time. haha.
so takjadi lah ke sana. then aku dgn agak bengang pegi lah makan(act plan nk makan dgn afiq la td) cess. haha lepas makan xtau nape la ngantok sgt so aku tanpa berfikir panjang pegi tido. aliph ckp expanding perut lah tue. heh kau mmg terbaik aliph!
bgn2 pukul 8.hah sah aku tdo lmbat mlm ni. haha bila tak tido tu chatting la kan,myspacin,cari ilham for my blog. haha.
senarai peeps dat ive chattin wit:
1) ANA
and the terrorest chatter from all above is ALIPH. wanna know wats da content of our conversation?
NASHRUL: kau dah balik KL?
ALIPH: belum
yahh! tu la isi kandungan chitchatin kami. haha! best tak? wahaa aliph agak busy kot mase tu so xmau la kaco diee. hee (aliph! promote aku plak kat blog ko! haha jkjk)
chatter terpanjang is nana! haha sumpah mmg panjang ktorg chattin. ntah apa ktorg mencarut pn xtaula. tapi si nana agak blur mase tu so i have to be a detailed chatter. haha i ckp movie HOUSE boleh die ckp HA? APE TUE? haha kepelikan yg melampau. hehh
dahh dats all for todayy kot. penat jari ni haa. aku buat especially for u guys to read tau! hee
currently listening to: fantasy girl-caprice
Sunday, February 15, 2009
the title act nk gempak je. haha semalam ME,OPIE n SKEPER went to sunway. haha valentine kan,mestila date. but not me,opie n skeper. tapi skeper came later so me n opie smpai dulu. first we came in,opie nak cari locker pulak nk letak beg die. haihh opie! dak skola je bwk beg g date!
hahaha. abes pusing satu pyramid tu cari locker tak jumpe. f**k opie kau ckp ade locker kat situ. haha disebabkan kesebaban yg tersebabkan,haih ape aku mrepek nihh!
disebabkan cari locker punya lah lame nak mlecet celah EGG aku. haha si opie kne marah dgn gf die cz lmbt naik rooftop (act dorg plan nk meet kat rooftop) otw nk naik tu jmpe RAZZAN (kalau tak silap eja name die) so him n i berkenalan la. kepala die bez jugak! haha die hotstuff diantara member2 gf opie iaitu HASMIRA. siap peluk2 lg (wah razzan kau sedap sorg2 haha). smpai2 rooftop HAS touching pulak. so dats opie punya job to settle.(si opie fail bab memujuk ni) hahah.
For about 15minutes ktorg tggu,den bru opie berjaya. haha lepas tu pegi la makan. masing2 lapar tak bleh tahan so we'all went to wendy's. gila bising dorg,opie dinyanyikan lagu ulangtahun haha skema sial ayt. den ade part disini yang agak censored utk dikongsi bersama.haha!
GILA panjang queue for cinema tix. at 1st i was like malasla nk tgk cz ramai sgt,tp opie semangat nk bratur. hah pegila kau. last2 dpt tix cte house,layanjela. heh
lepas movie tak buat apa dah. pegi mamak minum den borakborakborakborakborakgelakgelakgelakgelak lepas tu blah la buat apa dok lame2 kan? hahah. dah petang has nk balik daaa. opie pn agak sedih ahah! lepas has balik ktorg main pool den jmpe skeper pastu balikk..(malas tulis lg dahh) haha
smpai rumah i sleep like hell!
bgn2 da pagi dah..haha
dah2 abis crita..keep waiting from me for more updates..:)
hahaha. abes pusing satu pyramid tu cari locker tak jumpe. f**k opie kau ckp ade locker kat situ. haha disebabkan kesebaban yg tersebabkan,haih ape aku mrepek nihh!
disebabkan cari locker punya lah lame nak mlecet celah EGG aku. haha si opie kne marah dgn gf die cz lmbt naik rooftop (act dorg plan nk meet kat rooftop) otw nk naik tu jmpe RAZZAN (kalau tak silap eja name die) so him n i berkenalan la. kepala die bez jugak! haha die hotstuff diantara member2 gf opie iaitu HASMIRA. siap peluk2 lg (wah razzan kau sedap sorg2 haha). smpai2 rooftop HAS touching pulak. so dats opie punya job to settle.(si opie fail bab memujuk ni) hahah.
For about 15minutes ktorg tggu,den bru opie berjaya. haha lepas tu pegi la makan. masing2 lapar tak bleh tahan so we'all went to wendy's. gila bising dorg,opie dinyanyikan lagu ulangtahun haha skema sial ayt. den ade part disini yang agak censored utk dikongsi bersama.haha!
GILA panjang queue for cinema tix. at 1st i was like malasla nk tgk cz ramai sgt,tp opie semangat nk bratur. hah pegila kau. last2 dpt tix cte house,layanjela. heh
lepas movie tak buat apa dah. pegi mamak minum den borakborakborakborakborakgelakgelakgelakgelak lepas tu blah la buat apa dok lame2 kan? hahah. dah petang has nk balik daaa. opie pn agak sedih ahah! lepas has balik ktorg main pool den jmpe skeper pastu balikk..(malas tulis lg dahh) haha
smpai rumah i sleep like hell!
bgn2 da pagi dah..haha
dah2 abis crita..keep waiting from me for more updates..:)
Thursday, February 12, 2009

yeah! at last ive made a decision of blogging. ahah act i had dis intention of blogging for a long time. but still i didnt make the keputusan until now! 12ofFebruary at 2:01am.
guess im too old for a starter huh? huh like i care hahah
well fror todayyy......nothing interesting act. i woke up quite late about 12 in the afternoon. busuk2 badan mulut sume but i really malas gila nak mandi. haha well nowhere to go kan? so rilex la. the moment i awake 1st thang on my mind is online.bila dah lama asek online myspace tue rase cam bored pulakk.plus bukan byk comments pn nak reply.sometimes no new comments pun.hahah dats why im now tried blogging,by reading others blog dah macam interested pulakk! kalo tak best tue kan,alah biasela,beginner..:P
well i guess tu jelah kot? things i did after dat biaaselah kan,makan tido tgk tv.takkan tu pun nk crita jugakk? hahah..
chalo beteh
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